Stump Removal | Stump Grinding | Multiple Stumps
Have you ever wondered if your Grandfather's worries about Ivy being damaging to tree health is true? Can it be true that something as lovely as an Ivy-covered tree can be a problem? Let’s take a look at what the tree experts say about Ivy and trees.
Ivy is a voracious grower There is no doubt that Ivy makes a beautiful ground cover and its lushly spreading growth requires very little tending in your garden. The downside of using Ivy in your yard comes when it begins to grow into the trunk of your favorite tree. When left unbothered, Ivy can completely entwine the tree trunk. Experts differ on how dangerous Ivy is to a tree Some landscaping experts believe that the vine has no place near a tree and the best thing that a homeowner can do is to remove the Ivy as quickly as possible. The thinking is that Ivy can damage the bark and even, in some cases, kill the tree. Tree Stewards of Arlington and Alexandria, a volunteer group dedicated to preserving trees in urban communities, argues that Ivy is bad for tree health because of it
On the other hand, many international tree organizations say that Ivy doesn’t cause a problem to otherwise healthy trees. The Royal Horticultural Society of Great Britain believes that Ivy is generally harmless to a healthy tree and there are significant benefits to having Ivy on a tree in your yard. Ivy benefits include
Take it out or leave it alone? So, with so many different opinions, how do you decide what to do about the Ivy that is currently living alongside a tree in your yard? The safest bet is to ask a Buffalo-area tree care specialist for advice. A tree care expert, known as an arborist, has lots of experience working with Ivy-covered trees and can give you an informed opinion that you can trust. Try an Ivy-covered tree stump Do you have a dull looking tree stump in your yard that you’d like to incorporate into your landscaping when a stump grinding cost is prohibitive? Ivy grows quite happily all over tree stumps and can make an attractive addition to your yard. Remember that the vine is a rapid grower and will gladly spread all over your yard if you don’t keep it well controlled. Last Thoughts The question of whether Ivy is damaging to a tree is open to debate. We recommend that you ask a tree care expert for some sound advice. Meanwhile, please give us a call at Buffalo Stump Removal for a free, no-nonsense estimate on all of your tree stump needs. Comments are closed.
AuthorBuffalo Stump Removal wants to provide you with information about stump removal and stump grinding services. We also want to provide fun tips, tricks, and information to you to assist you in making your home or office as awesome as you want it to be! Archives
July 2020